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Abbigliamento e accessori (2144193)Donna (1286236)Uomo (655900)Occasioni speciali (165202)Bambini (92729)Neonati (20476)Auto e moto: ricambi e accessori (470996)Auto: ricambi e accessori (290984)Abbigliamento, caschi e protezioni (463)Moto: tuning ed elaborazione (48260)Moto: ricambi (40041)Garage: utensili e prodotti (31673)Auto: tuning ed elaborazione (22646)Auto: cura, manutenzione e rimorchi (2768)Scooter: ricambi e accessori (1332)Motocross e trial: ricambi (777)GPS, audio ed elettronica auto (985)Altro ricambi e accessori (279)Moto: accessori (238)Moto: pneumatici e cerchi (203)Oli, fluidi e lubrificanti (97)Auto: manuali e istruzioni (72)Casa, arredamento e bricolage (341923)Decorazione della casa (39240)Tessile da letto (56780)Decorazioni matrimonio (42558)Articoli per cucina e bar (31546)Bricolage e fai da te: attrezzatura (17393)Feste e occasioni speciali (16591)Illuminazione da interno (15261)Tappeti, corsie, moquette (13671)Tende, tendaggi e accessori (13089)Pulizia e 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(265)Cellulari: componenti (221)Smartwatch (97)Telefonia fissa e accessori (148)Informatica (102502)Dispositivi archiviazione dati (53779)Componenti e parti (22557)Accessori laptop, portatili e desktop (9225)Accessori tablet e eBook (8365)Altro informatica (1807)Lotti misti (1383)Tastiere, mouse e puntatori (1085)Stampanti, scanner e forniture (976)Alimentazione (890)Cavi e connettori (739)Networking e server enterprise (428)Tablet e eBook reader (243)Monitor, proiettori, accessori (226)Software (231)Networking e reti home (150)Stampa 3D (107)Desktop (90)Ufficio e cancelleria (65)Notebook, laptop e portatili (52)Componenti tablet e eBook (47)Computer vintage e accessori (68)Sport e viaggi (80146)Ciclismo (21447)Campeggio ed escursionismo (8666)Calcio (1290)Palestra, fitness, corsa, yoga (8030)Pesca (5058)Altri sport (237)Sport con la palla (2699)Equitazione (2109)Sport d'acqua (3080)Viaggi (34)Trofei (58)Sport invernali (62)TV, audio e video (28245)Dispositivi audio portatili, cuffie 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(161)Decorazioni (157)Cura delle piante, terriccio e accessori (122)Piscine, saune e idromassaggio (174)Laghetti e giochi d'acqua (84)Accessori per uccelli e animali selvatici (58)Altro giardino e arredamento esterni (38)Materiali da giardino e paesaggistica (30)Arte e antiquariato (68)Cristallo e vetro (992)Arte sacra (487)Infanzia e premaman (7643)Passeggini e seggiolini (1363)Nanna (1910)Per mamme e papà (796)Giocattoli (198)Fotografia e video (3771)Accessori foto, videocamere e droni (1336)Obiettivi e filtri (772)Fotocamere digitali (416)Videocamere digitali (319)Strumenti ottici (263)Altro fotografia e video (170)Illuminazione e studio (219)Treppiedi e supporti (112)Flash e accessori (47)Fotografia analogica (60)Ricambi e riparazione (32)Film e DVD (8820)DVD e Blu-ray (2483)Videocassette e VHS (182)Accessori e stoccaggio (124)Locandine, poster e manifesti (148)Strumenti musicali (1190)Studio e registrazione pro (313)Spartiti e canzonieri (153)Strumenti a fiato: legni (108)Chitarre e bassi (325)Pianoforti e tastiere (56)Batterie e percussioni (95)Archi e strumenti a corda (37)Altre categorie (844)Varie (251)Nautica e imbarcazioni (151)Surf, kite e windsurf (134)Ricambi e accessori (80)Cibi e bevande (272)Bevande analcoliche e caffè (68)Altro cibi e bevande (53)Bevande alcoliche e pre-mixate (52)Dispensa dolce e salata (47)Francobolli (120)Cataloghi e accessori (62)Africa (29)
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272.25 EUR
Cravatte Da Parete Elicoidali Di Ricambio Cavità Riparativa - Cravatta In Mattoni Retrofit Barra Dryfix
Spedizione: 9.71 EUR

Brand: --
- Luigi Stecco -
48 EUR
Luigi Stecco Fascial Manipulation. Practical Part. Second Level
Brand: Luigi Stecco
EAN: 9788829929870
Categoria: Libri e riviste

The world of Fascia is infinite and marvelous, connecting organs and tissues and altering function and structure. The exploration and research from professors in various specialized fields not only connect the diversified ways of treatment but also provide medical recognition of the East and the West. New knowledge from recent research allows the West to better understand the East or, in other words, for the modern world to comprehend the ancient concepts more clearly.\r\n\r\nI have read the Stecco family’s series of articles and books with appreciation, feeling honored to translate and introduce them to China. I am surprised to discover that the exploration and contribution of the Stecco family appears to support our Chinese predecessors’ concepts and technologies step-by-step, introducing further innovations and developments. The medical practitioners in ancient China built a Meridian and Collateral Model, which is highly effective in guiding the clinical practice of acupuncture. Nevertheless, due to the long-gone ages, the ancient language that was used could not be correctly understood by modern people, leading to divergent points of views.\r\n\r\nThe Stecco family, with their comprehension and passion for acupuncture, have built a biomechanical model, called Fascial Manipulation, that both refers to acupuncture and verifies its effectiveness from the viewpoint of anatomy and clinical practice, which is a tremendous contribution for both Chinese traditional medicine and Western medicine.\r\n\r\nWestern medicine emphasizes isolated pathology within the human body, while Eastern medicine pays much more attention to the whole. The West looks specifically at details of the anatomical structures, while the East attaches importance to the connections between these structures. Therefore, Eastern acupuncture theories tend to aim towards building an anatomical model, constructing formulas and mastering interrelationships. The authors of this book, starting from the viewpoint of biomechanics, clearly develop the relations of movement and simplify the complexity of treatment. These new discoveries have been compiled in a series of publications, including this book, which is the newest edition about Fascial Manipulation for Level II.\r\n\r\nI highly recommend Eastern and Western readers to read this book, stepping into the gate of Fascial Manipulation in order to appreciate its mystery and brilliance.

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Luigi Stecco in Libri e riviste

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25.00 EUR
🔥 Fortnite 13.500 V-bucks 🌎 No Code - Read D3scr - The Only Working Method
Brand: --
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18.00 EUR
83498 Cd - Noyz Narcos & Fritz Da Cat - Localz Only
Spedizione: 4.00 EUR

Brand: --
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22.11 EUR
Abito Da Festa A Tunica Abbellito Boden Taglia 8 Colore Blu Navy Wh937 B 7 A
Spedizione: 12.88 EUR

Brand: --
- Nabih Amnin Faris -
15.99 EUR
Nabih Amnin Faris Arab Archery. An Arabic Manuscript Of About A.d. 1500
Spedizione: 2.9 EUR

Brand: Nabih Amnin Faris
EAN: 9788834141229
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Almost the only source of detailed knowledge of early English archery is Toxophilus, or the Schole of Shootynge, which was written by Roger Ascham in 1542 and 1543 and was published in 1544. Arab Archery is nearly contemporary with that famous book-probably preceding it by a few years-and may be considered to be on an equal plane of merit. This ancient Arabic manuscript is the only treatise on the archery of the medieval Orient that has been translated into English. It is thorough and authoritative, evidently the work of an expert bowman. A vast amount of information concerning the long-range artillery, by which one eastern empire after another had been won, is here brought forth into full light after having lain hidden for centuries. It could be used as a textbook on archery today.

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Nabih Amnin Faris in Libri e riviste

- Pompeo Della Posta -
22 EUR
Pompeo Della Posta The Economics Of Globalization. An Introduction
Spedizione: 2.9 EUR

Brand: Pompeo Della Posta
EAN: 9788846752130
Categoria: Libri e riviste

This book is an introduction to the Economics of Globalization , which may well be considered as a novel discipline. As a matter of fact, it looks at the global economy not only through the eyes of developed countries – which is what International Economics , through its two components of International Trade and International Monetary Economics , can be depicted as  doing – but also through the eyes of developing countries – which is what Development Economics does. It also takes inspiration from Economic History , trying to learn as much as possible from it, but considering also the issues of international power and strategies addressed by International Political Economy and the role of multinational companies and FDIs through the lenses of International Business . Pompeo Della Posta (PhD, MA) is associate professor of Political Economy at the University of Pisa (Italy). He has published many scientific articles and chapters in books. He has edited seven volumes and is the author of a book on the European Economic and Monetary Union. He has been visiting and teaching in many Universities and research centers worldwide, including Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, UK and the US. He is the president-elect for 2019 of the International Trade and Finance Association and the director of the scientific journal « Scienza e Pace /Science and Peace».

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Pompeo Della Posta in Libri e riviste

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26 EUR
Mediterranean Economies 2021-2022. The Mediterranean After The Ca...
Spedizione: 2.9 EUR

EAN: 9788815294630
Categoria: Libri e riviste

The coronavirus pandemic has shocked the world and its consequences will last for many years. The enormous costs of the pandemic will only be known ex post. While some people will have lost nothing, others will have lost everything, sometimes even their lives. On the positive side, most governments around the globe have started to design optimal policies to face the incredible challenges that lie ahead for the humanity. The geopolitics of the world will change as a result of increasing tensions and conflicts between the great powers such as the United States, China and Russia. The competition between democracy and authoritarianism will intensify; the synergy of market and state will be transformed. It will be particularly dangerous to see two sides of the same coin as alternatives: neoliberal capitalism versus populist capitalism. The Mediterranean Economies 2020 is a collection of essays that analyses the economic, political and social effects of the pandemic on the regions of the Mediter - ranean area. The results of the investigation carried out highlight that chance for a better future could be created by a gradual transition to a new pragmatism, a strategy of moderation in economic matters, and development that is sustainable on three levels - economic, social and ecological. The pandemic is an enormous challenge for the social sciences, because old ways of thinking often prove useless for analyzing and explaining new scenarios.

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in Libri e riviste

- Luciana Caenazzo -
15 EUR
Luciana Caenazzo Convergence Of New Emerging Technologies. Ethical Challenges And ...
Spedizione: 2.9 EUR

Brand: Luciana Caenazzo
EAN: 9788829928309
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Human beings are not the only tool-making animals. New Caledonian crows, chimpanzees and various other animals make tools as well.\r\nNevertheless, we seem to be the only species to have advanced technology from simple tools to extremely sophisticated high tech. This has happened over a period of 2.5 million years. Yet the development of technology has not been linear. Until very recently we have mainly been making stone tools. The pace of technological development was extremely slow for almost the entire history of human tool making.\r\nSo much so that it would have been difficult to conceive of the idea of emerging technologies, since hardly anyone would have ever seen a new technology emerge during their lifetime. Only around five thousand years ago we mastered bronze metallurgy, and – two thousand years later – iron metallurgy.\r\nIn antiquity the Greeks were the first to make technology a subject matter of philosophy. Their views, however, were generally not very favorable.\r\nTechnology was mainly seen as an imitation of nature. The idea that technological innovation could be used to the benefit of mankind in a big way would have been quite surprising to an average Greek philosopher.\r\nThis somewhat unfavorable assessment of technology in philosophy only changed two thousand years later in the work of Francis Bacon. In his New Atlantis – published posthumously in 1627 - we encounter a positive attitude to science and technology. The idea here is that, if only we apply a suitable methodology in scientific research, we can develop new technologies and medical therapies that will serve to achieve a plethora of important human goals. This attitude towards technological innovation became more widespread in subsequent centuries, especially in the age of enlightenment. The 18th century saw the start of the industrial revolution, which could be regarded as the materialization of Bacon’s utopian phantasies. Associated with this phenomenon were a surge in patents, population numbers and growth in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in the West. In the 19th century we saw the first strong public protests against technological innovation, when the Luddites rioted – worried about the foreseen decline in demand of homemade textile products - and shattered labor saving textile machines.\r\nThis introduced a trend of technology criticism in the public domain in Western culture that has remained significant both in popular culture (e.g. in Hollywood blockbuster movies) as well as academia.\r\nHowever, technology criticism does not seem to have slowed down the pace of innovation.\r\nToday continuous technological innovation is thought to be an ordinary fact of life. We all have a vivid appreciation of emerging technologies because we have all seen various new technologies materialize in our own experience. This is in sharp contrast to a lack of rapid innovations for 99% of the history of human technology. Some authors even predict that innovation will further...

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Luciana Caenazzo in Libri e riviste

- Ginevra Addis -
45 EUR
Ginevra Addis The Re-identification Of Pop Art: Its Reception From An Italian P...
Brand: Ginevra Addis
EAN: 9788883980879
Categoria: Libri e riviste

The Pop Art phenomenon has been a subject of discussion for art critics, gallerists, collectors and the artists themselves, since its first appearance in the '50s. However, since the '80s there has been a strong interest in retrospectively studying the current, trying not only to define its spread in geographical and chronological terms, but also to identify which artists and single pieces of artwork can be labeled as 'Pop'. Despite the efforts made in describing the current, previous research has trivialized it, so much so that the term Pop has been misattributed, and its features are not precise. Within this framework, this book aims to investigate the artistic fortunes of Pop Art in Italy, trying to understand whether what happened in Italy could be identified as such, especially focusing on the period between 1962 and 1964, and the period immediately after.

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Ginevra Addis in Libri e riviste

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29.11 EUR
Abito In Pizzo Boden Jennifer Taglia 12 Reg Colore Vino Ww167-b14---
Spedizione: 18.09 EUR

Brand: --
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256.18 EUR
1-6 Confezione Batteria Per Milwaukee Per M18 M18b5 18 V Xc 12,0ah 8,0 Ah Ioni Di Litio 48-11-1860
Spedizione: 9.75 EUR

Brand: --
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29.99 EUR
Only One Giacca Donna In Panno Con Cappuccio E Bottoni
Spedizione: 5.90 EUR

Brand: --
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19.79 EUR
3x Schwarzkopf Only Love Coloration 4.65 Marrone Castagno Colore Capelli Ciascuno 143 Ml
Spedizione: 11.90 EUR

Brand: --
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81.00 EUR
Only Giubbotti Donna Beige Trench Trench Beige Da Donna Primavera Estate 2024 10
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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34.99 EUR
Only Abito Da Donna Maxi Abito Estivo Abito Da Donna Viscosa Onlnova Life Strap
Spedizione: 11.90 EUR

Brand: --
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34.99 EUR
Only One Cappotto Donna Con Cappuccio
Spedizione: 5.90 EUR

Brand: --
- Marina Spiazzi -
33.5 EUR
Marina Spiazzi Only Connect... New Directions. Con Cd-rom. Con Espansione Online...
Spedizione: 3.9 EUR

Brand: Marina Spiazzi
EAN: 9788808203120
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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Marina Spiazzi in Libri e riviste

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29.99 EUR
Only One Giacca Donna Con Cappuccio
Spedizione: 5.90 EUR

Brand: --
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34.99 EUR
Only One Cappotto Donna Con Cappuccio
Spedizione: 5.90 EUR

Brand: --
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29.99 EUR
Only One Giacca Donna In Panno Con Cappuccio E Bottoni
Spedizione: 5.90 EUR

Brand: --
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29.99 EUR
Only One Giacca Donna In Panno Con Cappuccio E Bottoni
Spedizione: 5.90 EUR

Brand: --
- Marina Spiazzi -
28.5 EUR
Marina Spiazzi Only Connect... New Directions. Con Cd-rom. Con Espansione Online...
Spedizione: 3.9 EUR

Brand: Marina Spiazzi
EAN: 9788808122094
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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Marina Spiazzi in Libri e riviste

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32.99 EUR
Only Maglia Maglioncino Donna Girocollo Leggero Onljulie Spring Bouquet Melange
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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15.00 EUR
Only Maschera Ricostruzion Cheratina 5 In 1 Per Capelli Professional Treatment
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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49.00 EUR
Jeans Donna Elasticizzato Only Lucido Brillante Silver Argento Taglia 26 Nuovo
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- Marina Spiazzi -
13.2 EUR
Marina Spiazzi Only Connect... New Directions. Vol. G: The Present Age. Con Espa...
Spedizione: 3.9 EUR

Brand: Marina Spiazzi
EAN: 9788808229441
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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Marina Spiazzi in Libri e riviste

- Marina Spiazzi -
34.9 EUR
Marina Spiazzi Only Connect... New Directions. Ottocento E Novecento. From The E...
Spedizione: 3.9 EUR

Brand: Marina Spiazzi
EAN: 9788808103376
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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Marina Spiazzi in Libri e riviste

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10.87 EUR
Lamu' - Only You (blu-ray)
Spedizione: 5.12 EUR

Brand: --
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