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Auto e moto: ricambi e accessori (12452469)Auto: ricambi e accessori (6442710)Moto: ricambi (3099985)Scooter: ricambi e accessori (1604514)Auto: tuning ed elaborazione (775055)Moto d'epoca: ricambi (231635)Altro ricambi e accessori (205110)Motocross e trial: ricambi (149131)Moto: accessori (152769)Garage: utensili e prodotti (153322)Moto: pneumatici e cerchi (119270)Abbigliamento, caschi e protezioni (109031)GPS, audio ed elettronica auto (87107)Quad e ATV: ricambi (71959)Ricambi per altri veicoli (71391)Moto: tuning ed elaborazione (44168)Mini moto: ricambi (38298)Oli, fluidi e lubrificanti (22726)Auto: cura, manutenzione e rimorchi (11619)Golf car: ricambi e accessori (5567)Merchandising (7040)Auto: manuali e istruzioni (4263)Moto: manuali e istruzioni (2703)Abbigliamento e accessori (10509367)Donna (5191494)Uomo (4912155)Occasioni speciali (229350)Bambini (168088)Neonati (34047)Casa, arredamento e bricolage (6445696)Decorazione della casa (1304336)Bricolage e fai da te: attrezzatura (724508)Articoli per cucina e bar (722069)Bricolage e fai da te: materiali (741990)Illuminazione da interno (593144)Tappeti, corsie, moquette (436000)Soluzioni salvaspazio (352920)Articoli per animali (371344)Arredamento (335606)Feste e occasioni speciali (299589)Bagno (230133)Tessile da letto (133922)Idraulica e impiantistica (113772)Tende, tendaggi e accessori (95974)Pulizia e bucato (92571)Orologi e sveglie (65759)Caminetti e stufe (50279)Sicurezza e antifurti (36818)Decorazioni matrimonio (37123)Cucina (25177)Articoli per la scuola (18706)Bambini: casa e arredamento (16154)Altro casa e bricolage (6471)Lotti e stock (2084)Telefonia fissa e mobile (2512921)Cellulari: accessori (2347450)Cellulari: componenti (109530)Articoli per radioamatori (34191)Telefonia fissa e accessori (11064)Cellulari e smartphone (6123)Palmari: accessori (3404)Orologi e gioielli (2499353)Gioielli di lusso (865360)Bigiotteria (609897)Diamanti e gemme (478032)Orologi, accessori e ricambi (358523)Gioielli uomo 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(102846)Climatizzazione e riscaldamento (66749)Macchine da caffè e tè (58195)Piccoli elettrodomestici da cucina (66663)Forni e piani cottura (45716)Lavatrici e asciugatrici (38089)Lavaggio delle stoviglie (20199)Frigoriferi e congelatori (6639)Bellezza e salute (788106)Cura e acconciatura dei capelli (100751)Cura della vista (98681)Altro bellezza e salute (81944)Make-up (79924)Cura del viso e della pelle (53919)Salute (56616)Vitamine e integratori (47445)Mobilità e disabilità (43754)Profumi (35828)Depilazione e rasatura (39227)Cura delle unghie, manicure e pedicure (39247)Cura del corpo (27451)Rimedi naturali e alternativi (25264)Parrucchieri, estetisti e spa (16228)Massaggio (12997)Igiene orale (12036)Tatuaggi e body art (11179)Abbronzatura e solari (6068)Giardino e arredamento esterni (667247)Elettroutensili e macchine da giardino (209669)Decorazioni (81127)Cura delle piante, terriccio e accessori (63300)Attrezzature per l'irrigazione (55442)Illuminazione da esterno (46751)Arredamento da giardino e da esterno (43982)Riscaldamento, barbecue e cottura da esterno (43855)Utensili manuali e attrezzature (33511)Altro giardino e arredamento esterni (25785)Piscine, saune e idromassaggio (22182)Strutture e ombrari (10119)Piante, semi e bulbi (8127)Laghetti e giochi d'acqua (7054)Accessori per uccelli e animali selvatici (4096)Fitosanitari e pesticidi (2107)Recinzioni, fendivista e cancelli (4320)Abbigliamento e dispositivi di protezione (5171)Idroponica (1722)Materiali da giardino e paesaggistica (1807)Hobby creativi (666276)Altro hobby creativi (154345)Cucito (86795)Ricamo e filati (87868)Tessuti e stoffe (76136)Perle e gioielli fai da te (82320)Materiali multiuso (57250)Materiali attività artistiche (42706)Scrapbooking e lavori a carta (33186)Lavorazione pellami (13028)Candele e saponi fai da te (10293)Scultura, modellato e ceramica (6267)Oggetti fatti a mano (1919)Hobby creativi floreali (4101)Mosaici (1876)Hobby creativi per bambini (1837)Lavorazione del legno (1626)Giocattoli e modellismo (653562)Action figure (140318)Altro giocattoli e modellismo (111844)Radiocomandati e giocattoli (65077)Giocattoli educativi (36183)Giochi di società (37922)Modellismo statico (31675)Costruzioni (25011)Peluche e orsacchiotti (25117)Modellismo ferroviario (28766)Warhammer e war games (16575)Soldatini e figurini (20350)Utensili da modellismo (10828)Bambole e accessori (17171)Puzzle e rompicapi (12039)Giocattoli d'epoca (8143)Case di bambole e miniature (11058)Giochi di prestigio e magia (5018)Slot car (6696)Giochi di ruolo (5876)Robots (6566)Personaggi TV e film (1448)Aquiloni, biglie e yo-yo (1392)Giocattoli per infanzia, emulazione (1395)TV, audio e video (461051)Accessori TV e home audio (195534)Dispositivi audio portatili, cuffie (86911)Ricambi TV e home audio (48626)Batterie e alimentatori (40202)Home audio e impianti Hi-Fi (23439)Smart home e sorveglianza domestica (16299)Apparecchiature professionali e DJ (22067)Altro TV, audio e video (7577)Vintage TV, audio e video (5154)DVD, Blu-ray e home cinema (8008)Decoder, satellitari e DTT (7207)Musica, CD e vinili (366675)CD (211095)Vinili (128501)Musicassette (16550)Merchandising e oggettistica (6187)Altro in musica, CD e vinili (2419)Collezionismo (389698)Collezioni diverse (126515)Minerali, fossili e conchiglie (39168)Militaria (23468)Carte collezionabili sportive, figurine (20781)Collezionismo sportivo (21987)Cartoline (18003)Giochi di carte collezionabili (14215)Birra e oggettistica (14937)Autografi (12992)Collezionismo cartaceo (11850)Personaggi da collezione (12259)Pubblicitario (14859)Penne (9430)Oggetti per fumatori (8060)Pins e spille (4560)Carte collezionabili non sportive, figurine (2015)Armature, scudi e accessori per spade (2334)Mignon (1288)Fantascienza (3785)Fotografia e video (290143)Accessori foto, videocamere e droni (145047)Illuminazione e studio (62970)Obiettivi e filtri (44814)Treppiedi e supporti (8702)Ricambi e riparazione (6966)Strumenti ottici (8611)Fotocamere digitali (3050)Videocamere digitali (1675)Fotografia analogica (3391)Flash e accessori (3906)Strumenti musicali (260664)Chitarre e bassi (124733)Studio e registrazione pro (52699)Batterie e percussioni (32162)Altro strumenti musicali (11655)Archi e strumenti a corda (10236)Strumenti a fiato: legni (9174)Accessori generici (6847)Pianoforti e tastiere (7583)Strumenti a fiato: ottoni (3229)Manuali e media (1536)Nautica e imbarcazioni (152088)Ricambi e accessori (84593)Acquascooter (19874)Altro nautica e imbarcazioni (17165)Canoe e kayak (15509)Surf, kite e windsurf (5599)Film e DVD (102621)DVD e Blu-ray (90546)Videocassette e VHS (5027)Merchandising Cinema e TV (3171)Altro film e DVD (1394)Locandine, poster e manifesti (1604)Videogiochi e console (95991)Giochi (40183)Accessori (29038)Console (12404)Pezzi di ricambio (9553)Merchandising giochi (3123)Giochi a gettoni (1526)Francobolli (123062)Europa (45299)Italia (23145)Cataloghi e accessori (19349)America del Nord (9889)San Marino (4025)Vaticano (3598)Universali e generici (2918)Tematiche (2963)Asia (2605)America Centrale e Latina (3004)Medio Oriente (1312)Africa (3047)Australia e Oceania (1311)Arte e antiquariato (50840)Quadri (50243)Cibi e bevande (50778)Bevande analcoliche e caffè (34660)Altro cibi e bevande (11921)Gastronomia (1501)Dispensa dolce e salata (2710)Fumetti e memorabilia (45035)Altro fumetti e memorabilia (25591)Fumetti europei e franco-belgi (10575)Artbooks (3942)Tavole originali (2557)Merchandise e memorabilia (2417)Infanzia e premaman (79660)Cura del bebè (39437)Passeggini e seggiolini (9242)Altro infanzia e premaman (3724)Nanna (5328)Giocattoli (3561)Per mamme e papà (1501)Altre categorie (26533)Varie (26422)
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30.87 EUR
Rotolo In Pe Espanso Altezza Cm 30 Lunghezza 500 Mt Poliespanso Foam Imballaggi
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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14.90 EUR
N°10 Trappole Cromotropica Bio Per Insetti:frutteti Orti Uliveti Mosca Ulivo
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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23.99 EUR
Tappeto Corsia Cucina Antiscivolo Passatoia Antimacchia Stampa Digitale Mod.easy
Spedizione: 5.00 EUR

Brand: --
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38.00 EUR
3x Biorga Minoxidil 5% Anticaduta Capelli 180ml 3x 60ml Nuovo
Spedizione: 9.90 EUR

Brand: --
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108.90 EUR
Canne Di Bamboo Per Orto - 150 - 180 - 210 - 240 - 300 Cm - Bambù - Tutori Canna
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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383.00 EUR
Gas R404 Kg10 Netti
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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24.88 EUR
Success Ml.50
Spedizione: 8.00 EUR

Brand: --
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19.00 EUR
Temp-bond Con Eugenolo
Spedizione: 6.00 EUR

Brand: --
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23.45 EUR
Nbf Lanes Ribes Pet Recovery 60 Perle Per Cani E Gatti → Integratore Dermatite
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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28.90 EUR
Togli Ruggine Fosfante Acidificante Antiruggine Tanica 5 Lt
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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24.90 EUR
Urina Sintetica Cleanurin 25ml (una Bustina)
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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44.00 EUR
Idrocem 610 Latta Lt.1
Spedizione: 7.00 EUR

Brand: --
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16.99 EUR
Cialde Caffe' Toraldo Bevinapoli Filtrocarta Ese44 Miscela Posillipo Top 150pz
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
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209.99 EUR
Akifix Botola Botole Sportello Ispezione Cartongesso Parete Controsoffitto Stand
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
84.55 EUR
10 Cuscini 51 Cm X 76 Cm In Schiuma Da Imballaggio Instapak Quick!! Anti Urto
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
164.50 EUR
Telo Ombreggiante 90% Rete Ombra Verde Frangisole Frangivista Oscurante Al Metro
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
22.90 EUR
Contratubex Gel Merz Original - Trattamento Cicatrici Ed Esiti Chirurgici - 20 G
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
24.90 EUR
Palline Di Naftalina Raffinata Pura Cf 1kg Armadi Stoffa Lane
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- -- -
239.00 EUR
Gru Gruetta Pieghevole Sollevatore Motore Officina 2 Ton
Spedizione: 15.00 EUR

Brand: --
- Catherine Prasifka -
14.25 EUR
Catherine Prasifka None Of This Is Serious
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Catherine Prasifka
EAN: 9781838855536
Categoria: Libri e riviste

'Extraordinary' Naoise Dolan\n'Seriously good' Louise Nealon\n\nDublin student life is ending for Sophie and her friends. They've got everything figured out, and Sophie feels left behind as they all start to go their separate ways. Then, at a party, what was already unstable completely falls apart and Sophie finds herself obsessively scrolling social media, waiting for something (anything) to happen.\n \n None of This Is Serious is about the uncertainty and absurdity of being alive today. It's about balancing the real world with the online, and the vulnerabilities in yourself, your relationships, your body. At its heart, this is a novel about the friendships strong enough to withstand anything.

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Catherine Prasifka in Libri e riviste

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11.95 EUR
Slim And None
EAN: 9780307419262
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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- I W Gregorio -
14.99 EUR
I W Gregorio None Of The Above
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: I W Gregorio
EAN: 9780062335326
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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I W Gregorio in Libri e riviste

- Ellie Marney -
11.24 EUR
Ellie Marney None Shall Sleep
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Ellie Marney
EAN: 9780316497848
Categoria: Libri e riviste

In 1982, two teenagers-serial killer survivor Emma Lewis and US Marshal candidate Travis Bell-are recruited by the FBI to interview convicted juvenile killers and provide insight and advice on cold cases. From the start, Emma and Travis develop a quick friendship, gaining information from juvenile murderers that even the FBI can't crack. But when the team is called in to give advice on an active case-a serial killer who exclusively hunts teenagers-things begin to unravel. Working against the clock, they must turn to one of the country's most notorious incarcerated murderers for help: teenage sociopath Simon Gutmunsson.\n\nDespite Travis's objections, Emma becomes the conduit between Simon and the FBI team. But while Simon seems to be giving them the information they need to save lives, he's an expert manipulator playing a very long game...and he has his sights set on Emma.\n\nCaptivating, harrowing, and chilling, None Shall Sleep is an all-too-timely exploration of not only the monsters that live among us, but also the monsters that live inside us.

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Ellie Marney in Libri e riviste

- Joe Trohman -
18.74 EUR
Joe Trohman None Of This Rocks: The Brilliant First Memoir By Fall Out Boy Guitarist
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Joe Trohman
EAN: 9781472299000
Categoria: Libri e riviste

None of This Rocks is a memoir by Joe Trohman - lead guitarist and cofounder of Fall Out Boy - that reads like a double album full of revealing stories from his youth and his experiences of modern rock and roll stardom. With wit and wisdom, and maybe a little bit of whining, Trohman grapples with depression, his mother's brain cancer, antisemitism, pills, petty larceny, side hustles, and pop punk at the turn of the century. \n\n\nNone of This Rocks chronicles a turbulent life that has informed Trohman's music and his worldview. His mother suffered from mental illness and multiple brain tumors that eventually killed her. His father struggled with that tragedy, but was ultimately a supportive force in Trohman's life who fostered his thirst for knowledge. Trohman faced antisemitism in small-town Ohio, and he witnessed all levels of misogyny, racism, and violence amid the straight edge hardcore punk scene in Chicago. Then came Fall Out Boy. From the guitarist's very first glimpses of their popular ascension, to working with his heroes like Anthrax's Scott Ian, to writing for television with comedian Brian Posehn, Trohman takes readers backstage, into the studio, and onto his couch. He shares his struggles with depression and substance abuse in a brutally honest and personal tone that readers will appreciate. Not much of this rocks, perhaps, but it all adds up to a fascinating music memoir unlike any you've ever read.

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Joe Trohman in Libri e riviste

- Renata Visintini -
16 EUR
Renata Visintini Le None E Conte
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Renata Visintini
EAN: 9788845612428
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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10.81 EUR
None But The Righteous
EAN: 9781640094604
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

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11.33 EUR
None Of The Above
EAN: 9780807022214
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

- Chantal James -
31.24 EUR
Chantal James None But The Righteous: A Novel
Brand: Chantal James
EAN: 9781640094598
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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11.95 EUR
None Braver
EAN: 9781101161883
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

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10.08 EUR
None Of This Belongs To Me
EAN: 9780889714090
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

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10.29 EUR
None But The Dead
EAN: 9781509806997
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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13.51 EUR
None Of The Above
EAN: 9781558613058
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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18.29 EUR
None Of This Was Planned
EAN: 9781550177794
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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10.99 EUR
None Of This Is True
EAN: 9781804940228
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

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106.25 EUR
None Past The Post: Britain At The Polls, 2017
EAN: 9781526133281
Categoria: Libri e riviste

The latest book in the long-running Britain at the Polls series provides an indispensable account of the remarkable 2017 British general election. Leading experts explain why Theresa May and the Conservatives lost their majority, and analyse how the other political parties and voters responded to the 2016 Brexit referendum and ongoing austerity.

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in Libri e riviste

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19.99 EUR
None Of Us Is As Good As All Of Us
EAN: 9780470572597
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

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25.57 EUR
And None Shall Make Them Afraid
EAN: 9781641772754
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

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12.05 EUR
Though None Go With Me
EAN: 9781498275781
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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in Libri e riviste

- Joe Trohman -
16.24 EUR
Joe Trohman None Of This Rocks: The Brilliant First Memoir By Fall Out Boy Guitarist
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Joe Trohman
EAN: 9781472299031
Categoria: Libri e riviste

None of This Rocks is a memoir by Joe Trohman - lead guitarist and cofounder of Fall Out Boy - that reads like a double album full of revealing stories from his youth and his experiences of modern rock and roll stardom. With wit and wisdom, and maybe a little bit of whining, Trohman grapples with depression, his mother's brain cancer, antisemitism, pills, petty larceny, side hustles, and pop punk at the turn of the century. \n\n\nNone of This Rocks chronicles a turbulent life that has informed Trohman's music and his worldview. His mother suffered from mental illness and multiple brain tumors that eventually killed her. His father struggled with that tragedy, but was ultimately a supportive force in Trohman's life who fostered his thirst for knowledge. Trohman faced antisemitism in small-town Ohio, and he witnessed all levels of misogyny, racism, and violence amid the straight edge hardcore punk scene in Chicago. Then came Fall Out Boy. From the guitarist's very first glimpses of their popular ascension, to working with his heroes like Anthrax's Scott Ian, to writing for television with comedian Brian Posehn, Trohman takes readers backstage, into the studio, and onto his couch. He shares his struggles with depression and substance abuse in a brutally honest and personal tone that readers will appreciate. Not much of this rocks, perhaps, but it all adds up to a fascinating music memoir unlike any you've ever read.

Confronta anche i prezzi:
Joe Trohman in Libri e riviste

- Lisa Jewell -
16 EUR
Lisa Jewell None Of This Is True: The New Addictive Psychological Thriller From The #1 Sunday Times Bestselling Author Of The Family Upstairs
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Lisa Jewell
EAN: 9781804940204
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Buy now and prepare to be hooked from the Number One bestselling thriller author . . .\n\n* AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER *\n* OVER 6,000 FIVE STAR REVIEWS *\n* AUDIBLE NO.1 SIX WEEKS IN A ROW *\n\n'Gloriously dark' Lucy Foley\n'A moody, slippery novel' Gillian McAllister\n'One hundred percent brilliant' Clare Mackintosh\n'Shocking and creepy and glorious' Nicola Walker\n'Utterly addictive' Claire Douglas\n___________\n\nCelebrating her 45th birthday at her local pub, podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie is also celebrating her 45th. \n\nA few days later, they bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie says she thinks she would be an interesting subject for Alix's podcast. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.\n\nAlix agrees to a trial interview and indeed, Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated. Alix finds her unsettling but can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging.\n\nSlowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has cajoled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.\n\nSoon Alix begins to wonder who is Josie Fair really? And what has she done?\n\n* The Hi! I'm Your Birthday Twin podcast has been bought to life! Listen to all 4 episodes and find out more at penguin.co.uk/BirthdayTwin *\n___________\n\nReaders can't get enough of None of This is True . . .\n\n***** 'Lisa Jewell is BACK with a banger baby!!! and this might just be my favourite of hers yet.'\n***** 'I'm speechless after reading this bone chilling, dark, twisty, mind bending thriller'\n***** 'Did it deliver??? OMG !!! wait until you read this!!!'\n***** 'OMG!!!!!! Dare I say this may just be Lisa Jewells best book yet!?'\n***** 'What in the actual hell did I just read???? Bingeable, unreliable, unhinged in the best way, and well developed!'\n___________\n\nMore love for None of This is True . . .\n\n'Left me reeling' Adele Parks\n'You will ignore everyone and everything until you’ve finished it' India Knight\n‘A tense, superbly crafted exploration of obsession.’ Steve Cavanagh\n'Really dark and twisty' Graham Norton\n'MAGNIFICENT' Marian Keyes\n'So suspenseful, so smart, so insightful.' Katherine Heiny\n'A pitch-black fever dream of a novel' Ruth Ware\n'Have never read a book so fast!' Hayley Morris\n'A sleek, playful, mesmerising read' Louise Candlish\n'Twisty twisty twisty' Emily Henry\n'You're in for a treat' Jojo Moyes\n'Rollercoaster of a read' Jane Fallon\n'I inhaled it!' Harriet Tyce\n'Lisa Jewell [has] confirmed her status as a powerhouse of psychological thrillers' Sunday Express\n'The most gripping thriller I read this year' Daily Express\n\nLisa Jewell, Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, September 2023\nNone of This is True, instant Sunday Times bestseller July 2023\nNumber 1 on Audible, July-August 2023

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Lisa Jewell in Libri e riviste

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10.08 EUR
Army Of None
EAN: 9781609800024
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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- Lisa Jewell -
19.25 EUR
Lisa Jewell None Of This Is True: The New Addictive Psychological Thriller From The #1 Sunday Times Bestselling Author Of The Family Upstairs
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Lisa Jewell
EAN: 9781529195989
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Buy now and prepare to be hooked from the Number One bestselling thriller author . . .\n\n* AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER *\n* OVER 6,000 FIVE STAR REVIEWS *\n* AUDIBLE NO.1 SIX WEEKS IN A ROW *\n\n'Gloriously dark' Lucy Foley\n'A moody, slippery novel' Gillian McAllister\n'One hundred percent brilliant' Clare Mackintosh\n'Shocking and creepy and glorious' Nicola Walker\n'Utterly addictive' Claire Douglas\n___________\n\nCelebrating her 45th birthday at her local pub, podcaster Alix Summer crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie is also celebrating her 45th. \n\nA few days later, they bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie says she thinks she would be an interesting subject for Alix's podcast. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.\n\nAlix agrees to a trial interview and indeed, Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated. Alix finds her unsettling but can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging.\n\nSlowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has cajoled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.\n\nSoon Alix begins to wonder who is Josie Fair really? And what has she done?\n\n* The Hi! I'm Your Birthday Twin podcast has been bought to life! Listen to all 4 episodes and find out more at penguin.co.uk/BirthdayTwin *\n___________\n\nReaders can't get enough of None of This is True . . .\n\n***** 'Lisa Jewell is BACK with a banger baby!!! and this might just be my favourite of hers yet.'\n***** 'I'm speechless after reading this bone chilling, dark, twisty, mind bending thriller'\n***** 'Did it deliver??? OMG !!! wait until you read this!!!'\n***** 'OMG!!!!!! Dare I say this may just be Lisa Jewells best book yet!?'\n***** 'What in the actual hell did I just read???? Bingeable, unreliable, unhinged in the best way, and well developed!'\n___________\n\nMore love for None of This is True . . .\n\n'You will ignore everyone and everything until you’ve finished it' India Knight\n‘A tense, superbly crafted exploration of obsession.’ Steve Cavanagh\n'Left me reeling' Adele Parks\n'Really dark and twisty' Graham Norton\n'MAGNIFICENT' Marian Keyes\n'So suspenseful, so smart, so insightful.' Katherine Heiny\n'A pitch-black fever dream of a novel' Ruth Ware\n'Have never read a book so fast!' Hayley Morris\n'A sleek, playful, mesmerising read' Louise Candlish\n'Twisty twisty twisty' Emily Henry\n'You're in for a treat' Jojo Moyes\n'Rollercoaster of a read' Jane Fallon\n'I inhaled it!' Harriet Tyce\n'Lisa Jewell [has] confirmed her status as a powerhouse of psychological thrillers' Sunday Express\n'The most gripping thriller I read this year' Daily Express

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Lisa Jewell in Libri e riviste

- Chantal James -
19.99 EUR
Chantal James None But The Righteous: A Novel
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Chantal James
EAN: 9781640095625
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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- Travis Alabanza -
13.74 EUR
Travis Alabanza None Of The Above: Reflections On Life Beyond The Binary
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Travis Alabanza
EAN: 9781838854331
Categoria: Libri e riviste

WINNER OF THE SOMERSET MAUGHAM AWARD 2023\nWINNER OF THE JHALAK PRIZE 2023\nA WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2022: POLITICS\n\n'No memoir like it' Independent\n'Travis Alabanza writes with such generosity and ease even the most provocative suggestions start to seem obvious . . . Profound and funny' SHON FAYE\n'Will challenge, empower and move your soul' Glamour\n'Lucid and glorious' YRSA DALEY-WARD\n__________\n\nIn None of the Above, Travis Alabanza examines seven phrases people have directed at them as a Black, mixed race, non-binary person. Some are deceptively innocuous, some deliberately loaded or offensive, some celebratory; sentences that have impacted them for better and for worse; sentences that speak to the broader issues raised by a world that insists that gender must be a binary.\n\nThrough these seven phrases, Travis Alabanza turns a mirror back on society, giving us reason to question the very framework in which we live and the ways we treat each other.

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Travis Alabanza in Libri e riviste

- Benjamin Robertson -
21.24 EUR
Benjamin Robertson None Of This Is Normal: The Fiction Of Jeff Vandermeer
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Benjamin Robertson
EAN: 9781517902933
Categoria: Libri e riviste

How the otherworldly worlds created by the author of the Southern Reach Trilogy speak to-and even affect-our own\n\n\n If ever a moment and a writer were made for each other, that time is now and Jeff VanderMeer is that writer. Reaching more and more readers as his fantastic fiction delves deeper and deeper into the true weirdness of our day, VanderMeer presents a unique opportunity to explore the cultural frictions and fault lines in today's-and tomorrow's- literary landscape. \n\nIn the first book-length study of this provocative writer, Benjamin J. Robertson focuses on the three major series that have propelled VanderMeer to prominence (his Vennis fictions, Ambergris novels, and Southern Reach Trilogy) as well as his recent stand-alone novel Borne. Most salient for Robertson is how VanderMeer grapples with the transformation of human meaning and being in the contemporary moment. None of This Is Normal reveals how VanderMeer creates fictions that directly address our Anthropocene epoch, in which humanity must reckon with the unprecedented nature of its impact on the environment and with the consequent obsolescence of its methods of representing itself in this altered world. \n\nIn Robertson's reading it becomes startlingly clear that certain fiction, especially when willing to abandon humanist assumptions about history, has the power to not simply show us a world \"out there\" but to actively participate in that world. As realist fiction and even science fiction conventionally reduce the scale and complexity of the Anthropocene to human-sized dimensions, None of This Is Normal shows how VanderMeer's work conjures what Robertson calls a \"fantastic materiality\": a reality that stands apart from us as a model of thinking, irreducible to our own.

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Benjamin Robertson in Libri e riviste

- Alis Hawkins -
12.49 EUR
Alis Hawkins None So Blind
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Alis Hawkins
EAN: 9781800322691
Categoria: Libri e riviste

When the truth lies out of sight...West Wales, 1850. When an old tree root is dug up, the remains of a young woman are found. Harry Probert-Lloyd, a young barrister forced home from London by encroaching blindness, has been dreading this discovery.\n\nHe knows exactly whose bones they are.\n\nWorking with his clerk, John Davies, Harry is determined to expose the guilty. But the investigation turns up more questions than answers and raises long-buried secrets.\n\nThe search for the truth will prove costly. But will Harry and John pay the highest price?\n\nAn exceptional Victorian Welsh crime thriller, perfect for fans of Laura Shepherd-Robinson, Andrew Taylor and S. W. Perry.\n\nPraise for Alis Hawkins'Beautifully written, cunningly plotted, with one of the most interesting central characters' E.S. Thomson\n\n'The most interesting historical crime creation of the year' Phil Rickman

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Alis Hawkins in Libri e riviste

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14.13 EUR
Army Of None: Autonomous Weapons And The Future Of War
EAN: 9780393608991
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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- Jen Wilkin -
13.74 EUR
Jen Wilkin None Like Him: 10 Ways God Is Different From Us (and Why That's A Good Thing)
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Jen Wilkin
EAN: 9781433549830
Categoria: Libri e riviste

This exploration of ten attributes that belong to God alone reminds us of why our limits are a good thing in light of God's limitlessness-celebrating the freedom that comes from letting God be God.

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- Stephen Best -
27.49 EUR
Stephen Best None Like Us: Blackness, Belonging, Aesthetic Life
Brand: Stephen Best
EAN: 9781478001508
Categoria: Libri e riviste

It passes for an unassailable truth that the slave past provides an explanatory prism for understanding the black political present. In None Like Us Stephen Best reappraises what he calls \"melancholy historicism\"-a kind of crime scene investigation in which the forensic imagination is directed toward the recovery of a \"we\" at the point of \"our\" violent origin. Best argues that there is and can be no \"we\" following from such a time and place, that black identity is constituted in and through negation, taking inspiration from David Walker's prayer that \"none like us may ever live again until time shall be no more.\" Best draws out the connections between a sense of impossible black sociality and strains of negativity that have operated under the sign of queer. In None Like Us the art of El Anatsui and Mark Bradford, the literature of Toni Morrison and Gwendolyn Brooks, even rumors in the archive, evidence an apocalyptic aesthetics, or self-eclipse, which opens the circuits between past and present and thus charts a queer future for black study.

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18.03 EUR
Master Of None
EAN: 9781439171424
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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17.98 EUR
Master Of None
EAN: 9780062889041
Categoria: Libri e riviste

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