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- Megan Epler Wood -
27.5 EUR 54.99 EUR
Megan Epler Wood Sustainable Tourism On A Finite Planet: Environmental, Business And Policy Solutions
Brand: Megan Epler Wood
EAN: 9781138217614
Categoria: Libri e riviste

This book helps all those involved in international tourism develop the new skills, tools and investments required to protect irreplaceable global resources from the impacts of escalating tourism demand over the next 50 years. It documents how technology and the growing global middle class are driving a travel revolution which requires a new paradigm in managing tourism destinations. Travel and tourism supply chains and business models for hotels, tour operators, cruise lines, airlines and airports are analysed and environmental management techniques are proposed for each sector. A pragmatic set of solutions are offered to support the transition to lower impact tourism development worldwide.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt recommends that decision makers assess the current and future value of natural, social, and cultural capital to guide investment in destinations and protect vital resources. Case studies illustrate why budgets to protect local destinations are consistently underestimated and offer guidance on new metrics. Innovative approaches are proposed to support the transition to green infrastructure, protect incomparable landscapes, and engage local people in the monitoring of vital indicators to protect local resources. \n\n\nIt provides students, professionals, and policy makers with far-reaching recommendations for new educational programs, professional expertise, financing, and legal frameworks to lower tourism's rapidly escalating carbon impacts and protect the health and well-being of local populations, ecosystems, cultures, and monuments worldwide.

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Megan Epler Wood in Libri e riviste

- Ian Mcdonald -
10.62 EUR 21.24 EUR
Ian Mcdonald Hopeland
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Ian Mcdonald
EAN: 9781473202290
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Hopeland is not a nation. It is not a cult. It is not a religion.\n\nHopeland is a community. It is a culture. It is a family.\n\nWhen Raisa Hopeland, determined to win her race to become the next electromancer of London, bumps into Amon Brightbourne - tweed-suited, otherworldly, guided by the Grace - in the middle of a London riot, she sets in motion a series of events which will span decades, continents and a series of events which will change the world.\n\nAmon falls in love in that moment of chaos, but being loved by him can have a cost. And while Raisa has Hopeland, Amon has a family of his own, and they have their own secrets.\n\nFrom rioting London to geothermal Iceland to the climate-struck islands of Polynesia, from birth to life to death, from tranquillity to terror to joy, Raisa's journey will encompass the world. But one thing will always be true.\n\nHopeland is family.\n\n'How the hell do you research - much less write - a novel this ambitious and wide-ranging? Why did I find myself weeping uncontrollably on a train yesterday as I finished it, literally squeezing my chest over my heart as it broke and sang at the same moment?' - Cory Doctorow

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Ian Mcdonald in Libri e riviste

- Diana Kendall -
31.65 EUR 63.3 EUR
Diana Kendall Members Only: Elite Clubs And The Process Of Exclusion
Brand: Diana Kendall
EAN: 9780742545564
Categoria: Libri e riviste

In Members Only Diana Kendall shows how the upper classes use exclusive clubs as their private domain for conducting business, fostering social networks, and launching the next generation of elites - all beyond the view of outsiders and the media. In her research, Kendall explains how and why club members routinely engage in exclusionary practices that help them accumulate personal power and social capital that is unavailable to outsiders. Members Only addresses how exclusive private clubs maintain and perpetuate class-based privilege and racial/ethnic and religious segregation, and how such patterns of social exclusion heighten social inequality. This book continues Kendall's study of the upper classes, which began with The Power of Good Deeds, and Framing Class.

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Diana Kendall in Libri e riviste

- Richard Rouse Iii -
29.01 EUR 58.02 EUR
Richard Rouse Iii Game Design: Theory And Practice,
Brand: Richard Rouse Iii
EAN: 9781556229121
Categoria: Libri e riviste

\"Both burgeoning game designers and devoted gamers should consider [Game Design: Theory & Practice] an essential read.\" - Computer Gaming World\n\"Ultimately, in both theory and practice, Rouse's Game Design bible gets the job done. Let us pray.\" - Next Generation magazine \n\nIn the second edition to the acclaimed Game Design: Theory & Practice, designer Richard Rouse III balances a discussion of the essential concepts behind game design with an explanation of how you can implement them in your current project. Detailed analysis of successful games is interwoven with concrete examples from Rouse's own experience. This second edition thoroughly updates the popular original with new chapters and fully revised text.

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Richard Rouse Iii in Libri e riviste

- David Horton -
12.06 EUR 24.11 EUR
David Horton The Portable Seminary: A Master's Level Overview In One Volume
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: David Horton
EAN: 9780764219962
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Take Your Theological Education to the Next Level\n\nDeepen your biblical and theological knowledge without the time, expense, and formality of seminary. In this extensively updated book, discover all the major topics in a typical seminary master's program authoritatively taught by respected professors, authors, and leaders. This introduction to a biblical studies degree is ideal for the layperson or anyone in vocational ministry who lacks the time or finances to attend classes, who lives where formal training is unavailable, or whose previous education is primarily secular. Study what you want, when you want. Subjects include:\n* systematic theology\n* surveys of the Old and New Testaments\n* apologetics\n* world religions\n* church history\n* homiletics\n* leadership\n* Christian education\n* and more

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David Horton in Libri e riviste

- Aerosoft Gmbh -
7.23 EUR 14.95 EUR
Aerosoft Gmbh Omsi 2 Add-on Coachbus 250next
Brand: Aerosoft Gmbh
Categoria: Videogiochi

Discover the next OMSI 2 add-on in the Coachbus 250 series: Coachbus 250Next!

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Aerosoft Gmbh in Videogiochi

- 2k -
18.2 EUR 39.99 EUR
2k New Tales From The Borderlands (epic)
Brand: 2k
Categoria: Videogiochi

Face down a planetary invasion, vicious vault monster, and cold-hearted capitalist in this cinematic thrill ride where what happens next is up to you! Meet a...

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2k in Videogiochi

- -
15.62 EUR 31.25 EUR
I Can Only Tell You What My Eyes See: Photographs From The Refugee Crisis
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9780863561795
Categoria: Libri e riviste

A Scotsman Best Photography Book of 2017\n\nTexts by Filippo Grandi, UN High Comissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, and Robert Del Naja, Massive Attack In October 2015, Giles Duley was commissioned by the UNHCR to document the refugee crisis. Over the next seven months, he was to criss-cross Europe and the Middle East attempting to put a human face to one of the biggest humanitarian emergencies of our time. Duley visited fourteen countries to tell the stories of individuals and families forced to flee their homes. He chronicled the turmoil of Lebanon, the camps of Jordan and Iraq, hellish scenes on the beaches of Lesvos and the refugees arrival in Germany. Bringing together over 150 original photographs, this book captures how even in the midst of such horror and tragedy there is humour, the unexpected and, above all, humanity.

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in Libri e riviste

- Mitchell Stephens -
23.24 EUR 46.47 EUR
Mitchell Stephens Beyond News: The Future Of Journalism
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Mitchell Stephens
EAN: 9780231159388
Categoria: Libri e riviste

For a century and a half, journalists made a good business out of selling the latest news or selling ads next to that news. Now that news pours out of the Internet and our mobile devices-fast, abundant, and mostly free-that era is ending. Our best journalists, Mitchell Stephens argues, instead must offer original, challenging perspectives-not just slightly more thorough accounts of widely reported events. His book proposes a new standard: \"wisdom journalism,\" an amalgam of the more rarified forms of reporting-exclusive, enterprising, investigative-and informed, insightful, interpretive, explanatory, even opinionated takes on current events. This book features an original, sometimes critical examination of contemporary journalism, both on- and offline, and it finds inspiration for a more ambitious and effective understanding of journalism in examples from twenty-first-century articles and blogs, as well as in a selection of outstanding twentieth-century journalism and Benjamin Franklin's eighteenth-century writings. Most attempts to deal with journalism's current crisis emphasize technology.\nStephens emphasizes mindsets and the need to rethink what journalism has been and might become.

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Mitchell Stephens in Libri e riviste

- Lauren Coodley -
16.91 EUR 33.82 EUR
Lauren Coodley Upton Sinclair: California Socialist, Celebrity Intellectual
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Lauren Coodley
EAN: 9780803243828
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Had Upton Sinclair not written a single book after The Jungle, he would still be famous. But Sinclair was a mere twenty-five years old when he wrote The Jungle, and over the next sixty-five years he wrote nearly eighty more books and won a Pulitzer Prize for fiction. He was also a filmmaker, labor activist, women's rights advocate, and health pioneer on a grand scale. This new biography of Sinclair underscores his place in the American story as a social, political, and cultural force, a man who more than any other disrupted and documented his era in the name of social justice.\n\nUpton Sinclair: California Socialist, Celebrity Intellectual shows us Sinclair engaged in one cause after another, some surprisingly relevant today-the Sacco-Vanzetti trial, the depredations of the oil industry, the wrongful imprisonment of the Wobblies, and the perils of unchecked capitalism and concentrated media. Throughout, Lauren Coodley provides a new perspective for looking at Sinclair's prodigiously productive life. Coodley's book reveals a consistent streak of feminism, both in Sinclair's relationships with women-wives, friends, and activists-and in his interest in issues of housework and childcare, temperance and diet. This biography will forever alter our picture of this complicated, unconventional, often controversial man whose whole life was dedicated to helping people understand how society was run, by whom, and for whom.

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Lauren Coodley in Libri e riviste

- Jennifer Harder -
28.87 EUR 57.74 EUR
Jennifer Harder Enhancing Adobe Acrobat Dc Forms With Javascript
Brand: Jennifer Harder
EAN: 9781484228920
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Take your PDF forms to the next level. In this book, you'll learn various ways to further improve your PDF Forms using simple JavaScript coding. You'll also discover how a few lines of code can speed up your workflow when working with multiple PDFs in Action Wizard.\nEnhancing Adobe Acrobat DC Forms with JavaScript covers up-to-date, real working examples that you can easily download, practice with, and edit to suit your own projects. Using screenshots from Adobe Acrobat DC, users or previous versions will also be able to utilize these techniques. This book also shows workarounds and solutions to various form issues you might encounter. Feel empowered by it and improve your PDF documents!\nJavaScript has been a part of Adobe Acrobat for many versions. However, few people use its features and focus mainly on using the basic form properties, never delving deeper into Acrobat's full capabilities. While information on the web can be helpful, if you don't know enough about how to use JavaScript in Acrobat you will be left with poor results. JavaScript can be difficult to learn, but it does not need to be scary. This book explains it in simple steps at a beginner to intermediate level so you can take full advantage of Acrobat's capabilities in your own projects.\nWhat You'll Learn\n\n\n\nCreate calculations, rating forms, and QR code stamps using the form elements\nExplore simplified field notation and basic JavaScript for Acrobat\nWork with buttons that can be used for navigation\nUtilize complex forms that include drop down and list boxes in combination with other form fields\nWork with Action Wizard and JavaScript\nImprove form navigation and printing of forms\nAdd various types of alerts and custom validations to improve client-entered-data\n\nWho This Book Is For\nAnyone who needs to create forms for clients or websites: students, lawyers, accountants, and human resource personnel.

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Jennifer Harder in Libri e riviste

- James Taylor -
31.25 EUR 62.5 EUR
James Taylor Coachwork On Rolls-royce And Bentley 1945-1965: Rolls-royce Silver Wraith, Silver Dawn & Silver Cloud
Brand: James Taylor
EAN: 9781906133894
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Rolls-Royce and Bentley relied upon standardised body designs after 1945, but for the next two decades both marques also supplied chassis frames separately, and it was possible to have these clothed with coachwork by bespoke coachbuilders like, for example, Mulliner, Park Ward and James Young in Britain, or Graber, Farina and Franay in Europe. Many buyers took this route, and this highly illustrated book bears witness to the wide variety of styles that were built in this fascinating period. Chassis number lists for each coachbuilder, both in Britain and overseas, identify their creations, to make this a comprehensive and essential companion for anyone interested in Rolls-Royce and Bentley in the post-war era.

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James Taylor in Libri e riviste

- -
12.26 EUR 24.52 EUR
I Can Do That! Woodworking Projects: 48 Quality Furniture Projects That Require Minimal Experience And Tools
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

EAN: 9781440348167
Categoria: Libri e riviste

Beginning woodworkers are constantly stymied by the apparent need for thousands of dollars worth of tools to start their hobby. Once they have the tool they face a learning curve to understand how to use the tool. The next problem is finding wood to build the projects. Not everyone has a lumberyard nearby. This book will show them how to build quality furniture projects that can be completed by any woodworker with a modest (but decent) kit of tools in less than two days of shop time, and using raw materials that are available at any home center. The enclosed tool manual explains all the tools and shows them how to perform the basic operations in a step-by-step format.

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in Libri e riviste

- Emmanuel Carrère -
12.3 EUR 24.6 EUR
Emmanuel Carrère Yoga: From The Bestselling Author Of The Adversary
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Emmanuel Carrère
EAN: 9781787333215
Categoria: Libri e riviste

This is a book about yoga. Or at least, it was.\n \nJanuary 2015. High on literary success and familial bliss, Emmanuel Carrère embarks on a rigorous ten-day meditative retreat in rural France in search of clarity and material for his next book, which he thinks will be a subtle, upbeat introduction to yoga. But his trip is cut short, and he is brought down to earth with a thud as he returns to a Paris in turmoil in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack. \n\nFrom then on, Carrère's life begins to unravel, along with his novel-in-progress. He is diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder and is sectioned to a psychiatric hospital for a four-month stint, where he is subject to electroshock therapy. His marriage crumbles, he is struck by grief at the death of a close friend and is haunted by a love affair with a mysterious woman who disappeared from his life. Pushed to the edge of sanity and forced to reckon with his identity as a man and a writer, Carrère sets out on a life of action instead of meditation. \n\nThis is a book that embraces the Yin and Yang of life: the pull between life and death, desire and despair, presence and absence, fight and flight. It is a book about a world and a man in tumult, and about how surprisingly far practising meditation - and writing about it - can take us in life. With raw honesty and humour, YOGA gives us the self-portrait of a man struggling to live with himself and others, by one of our greatest and most surprising international writers.

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Emmanuel Carrère in Libri e riviste

- -- -
64.97 EUR
Next Test Strips Pack Of 100
Spedizione: 0.00 EUR

Brand: --
- Jeffrey Archer -
14.3 EUR 28.6 EUR
Jeffrey Archer Next In Line
Spedizione: 2.7 EUR

Brand: Jeffrey Archer
EAN: 9780008474324
Categoria: Libri e riviste

International bestseller Jeffrey Archer returns\n \n THE UNPUTDOWNABLE NEW THRILLER FROM THE MASTER STORYTELLER\n \n\n\n 'Only someone like Jeffrey Archer . . . could have written a compelling story like this. Every page bristles with suspense and the ending comes at you with the force of a tank round' DAVID BALDACCI\n\n\n London, 1988. Royal fever sweeps the nation as Britain falls in love with the 'people's princess'.\n\n\n Which means for Scotland Yard, the focus is on the elite Royalty Protection Command, and its commanding officer. Entrusted with protecting the most famous family on earth, they quite simply have to be the best. A weak link could spell disaster.\n\n\n Detective Chief Inspector William Warwick and his Scotland Yard squad are sent in to investigate the team. Maverick ex-undercover operative Ross Hogan is charged with a very sensitive - and unique - responsibility. But it soon becomes clear the problems in Royalty Protection are just the beginning. A renegade organization has the security of the country - and the Crown - in its sights. The only question is which target is next in line...\n\n\n Over My Dead Body hit #4 in the Sunday Times bestselling charts on 4th June 2022.

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Jeffrey Archer in Libri e riviste

- Nike -
79.97 EUR 159.95 EUR
Nike Pegasus Turbo Next Nature - Scarpe Running Neutre - Donna Pink 6,5 Us
Spedizione: 4.95 EUR

Brand: Nike
EAN: 0196151817717
Categoria: Scarpe sportive da donna

Nike Pegasus Turbo Next Nature scarpe running neutre da donna realizzate con una tomaia in materiale morbido e riciclato, offre una sensazione di elasticità perfetta. Completa di schiuma più leggera, reattiva e riutilizzata, questa scarpa variopinta è pensata per aiutarti ad aumentare il tuo ritmo senza sacrificare il comfort, mentre punti a battere il tuo record personale. tecnologia Nike Flyknit dotata di zone strategiche, per offrire supporto, elasticità e traspirabilità SD P16 Flyknit è realizzato nel filo più ricondizionato, che dona una calzata confortevole più leggera e tanto reattiva quanto Pegasus Turbo, con una propulsione aggiuntiva nei supporti SR02 e ZoomX la schiuma Nike ZoomX è reattiva e leggera per una sensazione di elasticità a ogni passo l'intersuola Zoom X è realizzata con materiali di scarto recuperati direttamente dai pavimenti delle fabbriche Nike il battistrada d'ispirazione waffle ha un effetto pistone aggiuntivo la tomaia è realizzata per almeno il 75% del suo peso in materiali riciclati 

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Nike in Scarpe sportive da donna

- Contour -
14.59 EUR 30.99 EUR
Contour Next Glicemia 25str
Brand: Contour
EAN: 5016003730504
MPN: 930873688
Categoria: Medicinali

Strisce Reattive Contour Next 25 pezzi sono strisce reattive per la determinazione della glicemia.

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Contour in Medicinali

- Contour -
27.66 EUR 61.98 EUR
Contour Next Strisce Reattive Glicemia 50 Pezzi
Brand: Contour
EAN: 5016003730603
MPN: 930873690
Categoria: Medicinali

Striscette reattive per la misurazione della glicemia e compatibili con i glucometri della linea Contour Next. Con tecnologia ad elettrodo sensore restituendo risultati sicuri ed affidabili.

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30.99 EUR
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